
使用辅助核算可以协助你更好地管理采购. 一般只需要在采购单的明细上设置对应的辅助核算项. 这时, 一但确认并开出供应商发票后, 这一笔采购相关的辅助核算成本就会被记录下来.

The hr_timesheet_invoice module lets you re-invoice the analytic costs automatically using parameters in the analytic accounts such as sale pricelist, associated partner company, and maximum amount.

So you can put an invoice order with a defined invoice workflow in place based on the analytic accounts. If you are working Make to Order, the workflow will be:

  1. 客户下订单,
  2. 给供应商下达采购订单,
  3. 供应商送货并开具供应商发票,
  4. 发货给客户并开具客户发票.

When re-invoicing based on costs you would get the following workflow:

  1. Enter the customer contract conditions from the analytic accounts,
  2. Purchase raw materials and write the services performed into the timesheets,
  3. Receive the supplier invoice and the products,
  4. Invoice these costs to the customer.



如果你有几种辅助核算方案, 你就需要安装模块 purchase_analytic_plans. 这个模块可以实现将采购单的明细再 按你设定的核算方案进行拆分. 参阅 辅助核算 了解更多关于辅助核算的内容.