OpenERP 文档翻译


You should be able to build the untranslated documentation. So Sphinx should be installed on your system and you should know how to use it.

If this is not the case, please read about 建立文档 in the Community Guide.

You can download the sources of the documentation from launchpad:

bzr branch lp:openobject-doc


We are supposing that <openobject-doc> is the root of the Open Object documentation bazaar branch.

The untranslated sources are located in <openobject-doc>/source.

The translated documentation will be located in <openobject-doc>>/i18n/<lang>/source.

For example, the documentation in French will be located in <openobject-doc>/i18n/fr/source and it will be built in <openobject-doc>/i18n/fr/build/html for example.


Directory Description
<openobject-doc>/source untranslated sources
<openobject-doc>/i18n/<lang>/source translated sources
<openobject-doc>/i18n/<lang>/build/html translated documentation in html


Use the make command (with target i18n) to create the translation templates. You’ll need to pass the language as an additional parameter to the make command.

For example, supposing you want to translate the documentation in French:

make i18n LANG=fr

This command will do several things:

  • create these directories, if they does not exist yet:
    • i18n
    • i18n/fr
    • i18n/fr/source
    • i18n/fr/build
  • copy files in i18n/fr/ required for the html build:
    • MakeFile
  • create the translation templates based on the untranslated restructured text files. They will be created in i18n/fr/source
  • copy all the other necessary files (images for example)


The template structure for a given file is very simple. Each text section is prepended by the original context. Here is a title, for example:

.. i18n: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
.. i18n: Open Object Documentation
.. i18n: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Open Object Documentation

The context is a commented section starting with .. i18n:. It helps you understand the section in context. It also helps you remember the original section.

And here is the translated section:

.. i18n: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
.. i18n: Open Object Documentation
.. i18n: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Documentation sur Open Object


If someone adds or changes something in the documentation, that section will have to be retranslated but all the other sections should keep their translation.

When you get the documentation changes with bzr pull (for example), the new sections and some changed sections will be reset to the untranslated text when you will rebuild the translation with make i18n LANG=fr.


That is very simple because the directory and file structure is exactly the same as the original structure:

`-- fr
    |-- build
    `-- source

For example, in i18n/fr, you just have to do a simple make:

make html

And the html documentation will be built in i18n/fr/build/html.


Once you have translated a few pages, you should commit back to launchpad. To do this, your launchpad account must be subscribed in the openobject-community group.

To upload your modifications, you should commit on launchpad:

bzr add YOUR_NEW_FILES_OR_DIR bzr ci bzr push


At the moment, this script is in alpha status and has not been thoroughly tested. It should work but expect some bugs to pop up at unexpected times. Contact olt AT if you notice some troubles.