
Launchpad站点及 bazaar工具

在你给launchpad提交贡献之前,你需要先去launchpad注册并登陆,同时也是你提交代码及你自己的开发分支。URL: https://launchpad.net


https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/NewAccount 完成:

每个希望成为提交者的贡献者必须先证明他对OpenERP项目的热情和能力。可以通过以下 活动来证明:在我们的 :ref:`bug tracker <bug-tracker-link>`系统上提交bug或新功 能,甚至新的模块。

你可以在 https://help.launchpad.net/Teams/Joining 加入一些开发团队。

Contributors are people who want to help the project improve, add functionality and improve stability. Anyone can contribute to the project by reporting bugs, proposing improvements and posting patches.

OpenERP 社区团队地址: https://launchpad.net/~openerp-community

社区 组的用户也自动成为 质量提交 组的成员.

第一次配置时,还需要使用 Bazaar 版本控制从 Launchpad 获取源代码。

NoteThib: viré les explications sur comment installer bazaar, je propos de mettre le lien vers le site qui expliquera comment l’installer si besoin est

当你遇到关于 Bazaar 的使用问题前, 请参阅 Bazaar 版本控制的常见问题(F.A.Q) .


The combination of Bazaar branch hosting and Launchpad’s teams infrastructure gives you a very powerful capability to collaborate on code. Essentially, you can push a branch into a shared space and anyone on that team can then commit to the branch.

This means that you can use Bazaar in the same way that you would use something like SVN, i.e. centrally hosting a branch that many people commit to. You have the added benefit, though, that anyone outside the team can always create their own personal branch of your team branch and, if they choose, upload it back to Launchpad.

This is the official and proposed way to contribute on OpenERP and OpenObject.



mkdir openerp
cd openerp
bzr branch lp:~openerp/openobject-server/trunk server
bzr branch lp:~openerp/openobject-addons/trunk addons
bzr branch lp:~openerp-commiter/openobject-addons/trunk-extra-addons addons-extra
bzr branch lp:~openerp-community/openobject-addons/trunk-addons-community addons-community
bzr branch lp:~openerp/openerp-web/trunk web
bzr branch lp:~openerp/openobject-client/trunk client
bzr branch lp:~openerp-community/openobject-doc/6.1 doc

这些命令将下载运行 OpenERP 的所有的源码包含(server, client, addons), 接下来,将 addons 文件夹软链到 server addons 文件夹下,就可以直接使用 addons 中的所有业务模块了. 现在你可以修改 bzr_set.py 中代码源为你本地地址, 并可以开始编辑代码, 提交代码到你自己的本地代码分支.

EDIT addons/account/account.py
cd addons
bzr ci -m "Testing Modifications"

Once your code is good enough and follow the 编程指引, you can push your branch to launchpad. You may have to create an account on launchpad first, register your public key, and subscribe to the openerp-community team. Then, you can push your branch. Suppose you want to push your addons:

cd addons
bzr push lp:~openerp-community/openobject-addons/YOURLOGIN_YOURBRANCHNAME
bzr bind lp:~openerp-community/openobject-addons/YOURLOGIN_YOURBRANCHNAME

After having done that, your branch is public on Launchpad, in the OpenObject project, and committers can work on it, review it and propose for integration in the official branch. The last line allows you to rebind your branch to the one on launchpad, after having done this, your commit will be applied on launchpad directly (unless you use --local):

bzr pull    # Get modifications on your branch from others
bzr ci    # commit your changes on your public branch


bzr ci --fixes=lp:453123   # Where 453123 is a bug ID

Once your branch is mature, mark it as mature in the web interface of launchpad and request for merging in the official release. Your branch will be reviewed by a committer and then the quality team to be merged into the official release.

[更多请参见:ref:OpenERP 团队 <openerp-team>]


If you want to contribute on OpenERP or OpenObject, here is the proposed method:

  • You create a branch on launchpad on the project that interests you. It’s important that you create your branch on launchpad and not on your local system so that we can easily merge, share code between projects and centralize future developments.
  • You develop your own features or bugfixes in your own branch on launchpad. Don’t forget to set the status of your branch (new, experimental, development, mature, ...) so that contributors know what they can and cannot use.
  • Once your code is good enough, propose your branch for merging
  • Your work will be evaluated by a member of the committers team.
    • If they accept your branch for integration in the official version, they will submit to the quality team that will review and merge in the official branch.
    • If the committer team refuses your branch, they will explain why so that you can review the code to better fit the guidelines (problem for future migrations, ...)

The extra-addons branch, that stores all extra modules, is directly accessible to all committers. If you are a committer, you can work directly on this branch and commit your own work. This branch does not require a validation of the quality team. You should put there your special modules for your own customers.

If you want to propose or develop new modules, we suggest creating your own branch in the openobject-addons project and develop within your branch. You can fill in a bug to request that your modules are integrated in one of the two branches:

  • extra-addons : if your module touches a few companies
  • addons : if your module will be useful for most of the companies

We invite all our partners and contributors to work in that way so that we can easily integrate and share the work done between the different projects.

After having done that, your branch is public on Launchpad, in the OpenObject project, and committers can work on it, review it and propose for integration in the official branch. The last line allows you to rebind your branch to the one which is on launchpad, after having done this, your commit will be applied on launchpad directly (unless you use --local):

bzr pull    # Get modifications on your branch from others
bzr ci    # commit your changes on your public branch

If your changes fix a public bug on launchpad, you can use this to mark the bug as fixed by your branch:

bzr ci --fixes=lp:453123   # Where 453123 is a bug ID

Once your branch is mature, mark it as mature in the web interface of launchpad and request for merging in the official release. Your branch will be reviewed by a committer and then the quality team to be merged in the official release.

How to commit Your Work

If you want to contribute on OpenERP or OpenObject, here is the proposed method:

  • You create a branch on launchpad on the project that interests you. It’s important that you create your branch on launchpad and not on your local system so that we can easily merge, share code between projects and centralize future developments.
  • You develop your own features or bugfixes in your own branch on launchpad. Don’t forget to set the status of your branch (new, experimental, development, mature, ...) so that contributors know what they can and cannot use.
  • Once your code is good enough, propose your branch for merging
  • Your work will be evaluated by a member of the committers team.
    • If they accept your branch for integration in the official version, they will submit to the quality team that will review and merge in the official branch.
    • If the committer team refuses your branch, they will explain why so that you can review the code to better fit the guidelines (problem for future migrations, ...)

The extra-addons branch, that stores all extra modules, is directly accessible to all committers. If you are a committer, you can work directly on this branch and commit your own work. This branch does not require validation by the quality team. You should put there your special modules for your own customers.

If you want to propose or develop new modules, we suggest creating your own branch in the openobject-addons project and develop within your branch. You can fill in a bug to request that your modules are integrated in one of the two branches:

  • extra-addons branch : if your module touches a few companies
  • addons : if your module will be useful for most of the companies

We invite all our partners and contributors to work in that way so that we can easily integrate and share the work done between the different projects.

Registration and Configuration

Before you can commit on launchpad, you need to create a login.

Go to: https://launchpad.net –> log in / register on top right.

You enter your e-mail address and you wait for an e-mail which will guide you trough the process needed to create your login.

This login is only needed if you intend to commit on bazaar on openerp-commiter or on your own branch.

You can refer to this link : https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/NewAccount

Any contributor who is interested to become a committer must show his interest on working for openerp project and ability to do it properly as selection is based on merit. It can be by proposing bug fixes, features requested on our bug tracker system. You can even suggest additional modules and/or functionality on our bug tracker system.

You can contribute or join OpenERP team, : https://help.launchpad.net/Teams/Joining

Contributors are people who want to help the project improve, add functionality and improve stability. Anyone can contribute on the project by reporting bugs, proposing some improvement and posting patch.

The community team is available on launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~openerp-community

Member of the quality and committer team are automatically members of the community.

安装 Bazaar

Get Bazaar version control to pull the source from Launchpad.

To install bazaar on any ubuntu distribution, you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list by

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

and put these lines in it:

(for ubuntu intrepid 8.10)
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu intrepid main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu intrepid main

or (for ubuntu jaunty 9.04)
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu jaunty main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu jaunty main

or (for ubuntu karmic 9.10)
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu karmic main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu karmic main

Here, intrepid, jaunty and karmic are version names of ubuntu, replace it with your ubuntu version.

Then, do the following

sudo apt-get install bzr

To work correctly, bzr version must be at least 1.3. Check it with the command:

bzr --version

If you have an older version check this url: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download On debian, in any distribution, the 1.5 version is working, you can get it on this url: http://backports.org/debian/pool/main/b/bzr/bzr_1.5-1~bpo40+1_i386.deb

If you experience problems with Bazaar, please read the Bazaar 版本控制的常见问题(F.A.Q) before asking any questions.


The combination of Bazaar branch hosting and Launchpad’s teams infrastructure gives you a very powerful capability to collaborate on code. Essentially, you can push a branch into a shared space and anyone on that team can then commit to the branch.

This means that you can use Bazaar in the same way that you would use something like SVN, i.e. centrally hosting a branch that many people commit to. You have the added benefit, though, that anyone outside the team can always create their own personal branch of your team branch and, if they choose, upload it back to Launchpad.

This is the official and proposed way to contribute on OpenERP and OpenObject.


If you want to contribute on OpenERP or OpenObject, here is the proposed method:

  • You create a branch on launchpad on the project that interests you. It’s important that you create your branch on launchpad and not on your local system so that we can easily merge, share code between projects and centralize future developments.
  • You develop your own features or bugfixes in your own branch on launchpad. Don’t forget to set the status of your branch (new, experimental, development, mature, ...) so that contributors know what they can and cannot use.
  • Once your code is good enough, propose your branch for merging
  • Your work will be evaluated by a member of the committers team.
    • If they accept your branch for integration in the official version, they will submit to the quality team that will review and merge in the official branch.
    • If the committer team refuses your branch, they will explain why so that you can review the code to better fit the guidelines (problem for future migrations, ...)

The extra-addons branch, that stores all extra modules, is directly accessible to all committers. If you are a committer, you can work directly on this branch and commit your own work. This branch does not require a validation of the quality team. You should put there your special modules for your own customers.

If you want to propose or develop new modules, we suggest creating your own branch in the openobject-addons project and develop within your branch. You can fill in a bug to request that your modules are integrated in one of the two branches:

  • extra-addons : if your module touches a few companies
  • addons : if your module will be useful for most of the companies

We invite all our partners and contributors to work in that way so that we can easily integrate and share the work done between the different projects.

After having done that, your branch is public on Launchpad, in the OpenObject project, and committers can work on it, review it and propose for integration in the official branch. The last line allows you to rebind your branch to the one which is on launchpad, after having done this, your commit will be applied on launchpad directly (unless you use --local):

bzr pull    # Get modifications on your branch from others
bzr ci    # commit your changes on your public branch

If your changes fix a public bug on launchpad, you can use this to mark the bug as fixed by your branch:

bzr ci --fixes=lp:453123   # Where 453123 is a bug ID

Once your branch is mature, mark it as mature in the web interface of launchpad and request for merging in the official release. Your branch will be reviewed by a committer and then the quality team to be merged in the official release.

Answer and bug tracking and management

We use launchpad on the openobject project to track all bugs and features request related to openerp and openobject. the bug tracker is available here:

Every contributor can report bug and propose bugfixes for the bugs. The status of the bug is set according to the correction.

When a particular branch fixes the bug, a committer (member of the Commiter Team) can set the status to “Fix Committed”. Only committers have the right to change the status to “Fix Committed.”, after they validated the proposed patch or branch that fixes the bug.

The Quality Team have a look every day to bugs in the status “Fix Committed”. They check the quality of the code and merge in the official branch if it’s OK. To limit the work of the quality team, it’s important that only committers can set the bug in the status “Fix Committed”. Once quality team finish merging, they change the status to “Fix Released”.


Translations are managed by the Launchpad Web interface. Here, you’ll find the list of translatable projects.

Please read the FAQ before asking questions.


Blueprint is a lightweight way to manage releases of your software and to track the progress of features and ideas, from initial concept to implementation. Using Blueprint, you can encourage contributions from right across your project’s community, while targeting the best ideas to future releases.

Launchpad Blueprint helps you to plan future release with two tools:

  • milestones: points in time, such as a future release or development sprint
  • series goals: a statement of intention to work on the blueprint for a particular series.

Although only drivers can target blueprints to milestones and set them as series goals, anyone can propose a blueprint as a series goal. As a driver or owner, you can review proposed goals by following the Set goals link on your project’s Blueprint overview page.

By following the Subscribe yourself link on a blueprint page, you can ask Launchpad to send you email notification of any changes to the blueprint. In most cases, you’ll receive notification only of changes made to the blueprint itself in Launchpad and not to any further information, such as in an external wiki.

However, if the wiki software supports email change notifications, Launchpad can even notify you of changes to the wiki page.

If you’re a blueprint owner and want Launchpad to know about updates to the related wiki page, ask the wiki admin how to send email notifications. Notifications should go to notifications@specs.launchpad.net.

Blueprints for OpenERP are listed here: