


本地化OpenERP和在线式OpenErp没有什么不同. 在线式OpenERP总是使用最新的官方稳定版.然而, 在线式OpenERP通常包含多种增值服务: 主机, 数据库管理, 稳定安全更新, 备份, 维护, 漏洞修复和迁移等.


对于每份签约, 我们提供以下硬件资源:

  • 一个用于WEB和GTK数据的OpenERP应用服务器,
  • 两个增量备份服务器,
  • 一个用于备份和监控系统的控制中心。


  • 保养服务
    1. 3个工作日内漏洞分析修复
    2. 迁移至每个最新的版本
    3. 安全升级
  • 位于欧洲或美国的高速宽带数据中心
  • 7*24小时的监控和维护您的服务器



Our pricing model is simple. We charge $49 or €39 per user, per month. We bill each month according to the number of users registered at that time. If you add new users during the next 30 days they will only be charged with the next invoice.

The storage volume allowed is 1GB. If you use more we will charge $6.5 or €5 per extra GB.

What is the Payment Process?

You will receive an invoice at the beginning of each billing period, according to the number of active users in the system. Once the invoice is paid, you will get a confirmation that payment has been successful through the secured payment platform. If you do not pay the invoice within the payment term, your account will be deactivated. It will however be reactivated automatically on payment. We will keep your data for 2 months after an account is closed, unless explicitly requested otherwise by the customer.

How can I check my Monthly Usage and Invoice?

Daily statistics on your OpenERP Online usage page are available from the control center. Statistics include hours of use by instance, hours of use by day or user, monthly invoice amount, space used by server, etc.

Infrastructure and Security

What is the Infrastructure Provided?

For every OpenERP Online subscription, we provide access to the following infrastructure to guarantee you maximum reliability and security:

  • OpenERP Server and Web Interface
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Backup servers
  • Access to the control center, so that you can control your OpenERP Online instances and perform actions: create new instances, migrations, duplicate instances, access to backups, etc.

Where are the Data Centers Located?

We have two data centers, one in Europe (France) and one in the U.S. (East Coast).

Can I get my Data back?

With OpenERP Online, we want to provide you with the maximum flexibility and avoid the traditional Lock-In model of SaaS offers. Therefore, the version of OpenERP used in OpenERP Online is the same as the Open Source version of OpenERP you can install on your premises.

From the control center, you have access to all your backup servers. You can download a dump of your PostgreSQL database and all your files from our FTP access and switch to an on-site installation of OpenERP.

Can I get a Shell Access to my Servers?

For security and confidentiality reasons, we do not provide servers’ shell access to our customers. We only allow 3 OpenERP employees to have a root access to our customers’ servers.


I already use OpenERP, can I Migrate to the OpenERP Online Offer?

Yes, this is possible if your instance uses only modules from the latest official (certified) addons. Contact our sales team to get a quotation: online@openerp.com.

Can I Import Data from other Software applications in my OpenERP Online System?

OpenERP supports data importation from .CSV text files (Comma Separated Values) for any object in the system. If you can export all your data to .CSV files, you should be able to import it in OpenERP. For experts, you can also connect your own scripts through web-services. Read our documentation for more information. We also provide data migration services. Contact us to get a quotation depending on your current software: online@openerp.com.


Can I request some Services for Support and Training?

Yes. We provide services at an extra fee on OpenERP Online: support, training, help to customize or configure, data importation, etc. You can also contact an OpenERP partner; most of them provide services on OpenERP Online as well.

What can I do if I find a bug in OpenERP Online?

All OpenERP Online customers benefit from the OpenERP Publisher Warranty (OPW). If you find a bug, please contact our support team at online@openerp.com.


What should I do if I have Specific Needs?

OpenERP gives you much more flexibility than other traditional ERPs. You can design new features directly in the OpenERP user interface. We provide you with the report designer, the screen and object editor, a workflow designer, etc. Should you want to develop new modules, we advise you to use the on-site edition and have your modules certified by OpenERP to guarantee that they will be supported by OpenERP in the long term.

What Languages are Available?

Over 10 languages are available in OpenERP Online (English, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish). The OpenERP Online control center is only available in English.