
PostgreSQL 管理

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如果你从命令行用指定的用户名/角色(-r)和密码(-w)初始化一个数据库,请确保你已经创建了一个一致的 POstgreSQL 用户。 否则你会遇到如下显示的错误信息:


User authentication failure 用户认证失败



Database connection failure

In this case, check if the service postgresql-9.0 - PostgreSQL Server 9.0 is running in the Services Manager (Control Panel ‣ System and Security ‣ Administrative Tools ‣ Services).


PostgreSQL 9.0 in the Services list

You can edit the service configuration to start PostgreSQL as a service on system boot. This is usually the default.


Configure PostgreSQL 9.0 service

If your PostgreSQL service is running, but you get connection errors, you can restart the service.


Restarting the service