


  • 装箱方式(Picking Policy) : 分批交货(Partial Delivery)一次性交货(Complete Delivery) ,
  • Shipping Policy : Shipping & Manual Invoice, Payment Before Delivery, Invoice on Order After Delivery, and Invoice from Delivery,

译者注:OpenERP 6.1 6.1该字段改为:Invoice Policy: Deliver & invoice on demand, Pay before delivery, Invoice on order after delivery, Invoice based on deliveries




发货完成后开票收款——订单确认后自动生成发货单,发货完成后手工创建发票 (这个逻辑很奇怪,需要读一下代码看看。如果发货数量和订单不一致,发票上单价会变)

按发货单开发票 ——订单确认后自动生成发货单。在【销售-发票管理-待开票的发货单】菜单,可以看到待开发票的发货单

  • 开票基于(Invoice on) : 已订数量(Ordered Quantities)已发数量(Shipped Quantities) .



如果您在 简化界面 下工作,只能看到销售订单的装箱方式 Shipping Policy 字段。 可以通过配置向导配置界面为 扩展 ,或把当前用户添加到组 可用性-扩展视图 ,就可以切换到“扩展”视图模式。 您也可以点击 首选项 选择并切换试图。


The picking mode determines the way the storesperson will do the picking. If the order is put into Partial Delivery mode, the picking order will appear in the list of things for the storesperson to do as soon as any of the products on the order is available. To get the list of items to be done, you can use the menu Warehouse ‣ Outgoing Deliveries. By default, the Available filter button is selected, so you immediately see the list of available pickings.


If the picking mode is Complete Delivery, the picking order will not appear in the list of pickings to do until all of the products are available in stock. This way, there will only be a single delivery for any such order.

只要仓库管理员愿意, 每个发货单的发货方式都可以修改. 甚至在订单被确认后都还可以继续修改.

本例开票方式是 来自订单 , 产品的成本可以根据多次交付而多次调整.但是这样带来的结果是,处理多次收货较单次 收货的风险成本增加.If invoicing is done from the order, the customer will only be invoiced once for the whole delivery, even if the delivery of several items has already been made.