
为了更好地分类各类文档, 咱们配置第一步就是要建立一个合理的FTP目录结构. 进入菜单 知识管理 ‣ 配置 ‣ 文档管理 ‣ 目录结构 Knowledge ‣ Configuration ‣ Document Management ‣ Directories’ Structure.


Structure of directories when the document module has been installed

我们除了能在 OpenERP 中直接管理各种文档外,甚至还可以使用FTP 客户端工具直接连接 OpenERP 的FTP服务器对文档进行各种管理. 常见的 OpenERP FTP服务器地址为:

参数 默认值
Server 服务器监听地址 例如:
Port 服务器监听端口 例如: 8021
Path 服务器路径 默认’/’ 代表根目录
User OpenERP 用户名
Password OpenERP 密码


FTP 服务器

These comments about an FTP server may appear a bit technical, but it is just a general standard for getting hold of files without worrying too much about the platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, or other Unix-like system). So FTP is just a way of getting access to files without needing to use an OpenERP client. There could have been other ways, but FTP proved itself to the developers to be the one that performed best at lowest cost.

Once you are connected using FTP, you get to the root of a directory for the document management system. Once you enter that directory you find a structure that matches the structure defined in OpenERP.


Root of the database directory seen through FTP


Structure of the directories in the document management system