
You may have mastered the technical aspects of administering and using your enterprise management system, but you still have a great deal of work to do integrating OpenERP into your company. This work is more business-related and social in nature than technical.

The OpenERP implementation process encompasses several different phases: evaluation, planning, configuration, data migration, deployment, and user training, and affects both support and maintenance.

The management of ERP projects, and IT project management in general, are the subject of very many other books that you might want to investigate for yourself. The elements of the methodology presented here are not intended to be an exhaustive review, just a brief overview of the different phases necessary to implement OpenERP in your company.



Implementation encompasses the whole process of integrating and deploying OpenERP, including evaluating it, establishing specifications, planning the deployment, the configuration of the software, loading data, installation and training the users. It does not generally extend to software customization, nor support and maintenance.