
This module is part of the OpenERP software, the leading Open Source enterprise management system. If you want to discover OpenERP, check our screencasts or download OpenERP directly.

Account balance reporting engine (account_balance_reporting)

Name:Account balance reporting engine
Official module:
Quality certified:


The module allows the user to create account balance reports and templates,
comparing the values of 'accounting concepts' between two fiscal years
or a set of fiscal periods.

Accounting concepts values can be calculated as the sum of some account balances,
the sum of its children, other account concepts or constant values.

Generated reports are stored as objects on the server,
so you can check them anytime later or edit them
(to add notes for example) before printing.

The module lets the user add new templates of the reports concepts,
and associate them a specific "XML reports" (OpenERP RML files for example)
with the design used when printing.
So it is very easy to add predefined country-specific official reports.

The user interface has been designed to be as much user-friendly as it can be.

Note: It has been designed to meet Spanish/Spain localization needs,
but it might be used as a generic accounting report engine.


  • base
  • account


  • Generic balance report
  • Generic balance report (non zero lines)


  • account.balance.report.template.form (form)
  • account.balance.report.template.tree (tree)
  • account.balance.report.template.line.form (form)
  • account.balance.report.template.line.tree (tree)
  • account.balance.report.form (form)
  • account.balance.report.tree (tree)
  • account.balance.report.line.form (form)
  • account.balance.report.line.tree (tree)


Object: account.balance.report.template (account.balance.report.template)

description:Description, text
balance_mode:Balance mode, selection
Formula calculation mode: Depending on it, the balance is calculated as follows: Mode 0: debit-credit (default); Mode 1: debit-credit, credit-debit for accounts in brackets; Mode 2: credit-debit; Mode 3: credit-debit, debit-credit for accounts in brackets.
report_xml_id:Report design, many2one
line_ids:Lines, one2many
type:Type, selection
name:Name, char, required

Object: account.balance.report.template.line (account.balance.report.template.line)

code:Code, char, required
Concept code, may be used on formulas to reference this line
name:Name, char, required
Concept name/description
sequence:Sequence, char
Lines will be sorted/grouped by this field
css_class:CSS Class, selection
Style-sheet class
child_ids:Children, one2many
negate:Negate, boolean
Negate the value (change the sign of the balance)
parent_id:Parent, many2one
current_value:Fiscal year 1 formula, text
Value calculation formula: Depending on this formula the final value is calculated as follows: Empy template value: sum of (this concept) children values. Number with decimal point (“10.2”): that value (constant). Account numbers separated by commas (“430,431,(437)”): Sum of the account balances (the sign of the balance depends on the balance mode). Concept codes separated by “+” (“11000+12000”): Sum of those concepts values.
previous_value:Fiscal year 2 formula, text
Value calculation formula: Depending on this formula the final value is calculated as follows: Empy template value: sum of (this concept) children values. Number with decimal point (“10.2”): that value (constant). Account numbers separated by commas (“430,431,(437)”): Sum of the account balances (the sign of the balance depends on the balance mode). Concept codes separated by “+” (“11000+12000”): Sum of those concepts values.
report_id:Template, many2one

Object: account.balance.report (account.balance.report)

name:Name, char, required
 Fiscal year 1, many2one, required
company_id:Company, many2one, required, readonly
 Fiscal year 2, many2one
state:State, selection
 Fiscal year 1 periods, many2many
 Fiscal year 2 periods, many2many
line_ids:Lines, one2many
calc_date:Calculation date, datetime
template_id:Template, many2one, required

Object: account.balance.report.line (account.balance.report.line)

code:Code, char, required
name:Name, char, required
sequence:Sequence, char
 Line template, many2one
notes:Notes, text
child_ids:Children, one2many
calc_date:Calculation date, datetime
parent_id:Parent, many2one
css_class:CSS Class, selection
current_value:Fiscal year 1, float
previous_value:Fiscal year 2, float
report_id:Report, many2one