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Account Period Sum (chricar_account_period_sum)

Name:Account Period Sum
Author:ChriCar Beteiligungs und Beratungs GmbH
Official module:
Quality certified:


This module adds period sums for moves_lines
        of account_moves with state posted
        *) on update from draft to posted
           hence: account_move_lines must NOT be added to account_moves with state posted.
        *) balance carried forward is calculated for all subsequent fiscal years
           no account_move_lines are generated for these sums
           these sums always represent the balance of the preceding fiscal year.
        *) on creation of new fiscal years -> balance carried forward
        *) on change of deferral_method in general accounts
           it's subject to another check if and when changes of this field are allowed.
           IMHO not if at least one fiscal year is closed.
        *) the name of fiscal years not ending on Dec 31st is year-period (YYYY-MM) of the end of the fiscal year
        *) for every fiscal year beginning in the same calendar year a period sum with the name YYYY00 will be created,
           but associated to the correct fiscal year.
        *) the period sums will be deleted if the matching account_periods are deleted.

    standardizes account_period name generation to comply with this naming.

    In respect of functionality of the sums it's feature complete but must be tested

    Things to come:
    * eventually - adapting the accounting reporting to use this sums (2c2?)


  • base
  • account
  • chricar_view_id




  • account.account_with_postings.tree_chricar_1 (tree)
  • account.account_with_postings.form_chricar_1 (form)


Object: Account Period Sum (account.account_period_sum)

name:Period, char
 Account FY id, integer, required, readonly
credit:Credit, float, required, readonly
period_id:Period, many2one, required, readonly
debit:Debit, float, required, readonly
account_id:Account, many2one, required, readonly

Object: Account Fiscalyear Period Sum (account.account_fy_period_sum)

date_stop:Date Stop, date, readonly
name:Period, char, readonly
 Account FY id, integer, readonly
date_start:Date Start, date, readonly
credit:Credit, float, readonly
move_line_ids:Account_moves, one2many
period_id:Period, many2one, readonly
debit:Debit, float, readonly
balance:Balance, float, readonly
account_id:Account, many2one, readonly

Object: Account Fiscalyear Sum (account.account_fiscalyear_sum)

date_stop:Date Stop, date, readonly
account_id:Account, many2one, readonly
 Fiscal Year Period Sum, one2many
date_start:Date Start, date, readonly
credit:Credit, float, readonly
fiscalyear_id:Fiscal Year, many2one, readonly
debit:Debit, float, readonly
balance:Balance, float, readonly
name:Fiscal Year, char, readonly

Object: Accounts with Postings (account.account_with_postings)

code:Code, char, readonly
name:Name, char, readonly
 Sum Fiscal Year Periods, one2many
sum_period_ids:Sum Periods, one2many
shortcut:Shortcut, char, readonly
 Sum Fiscal Years, one2many
type:Account Type, selection, readonly

Object: triggger (triggger)