
This module is part of the OpenERP software, the leading Open Source enterprise management system. If you want to discover OpenERP, check our screencasts or download OpenERP directly.

Olap Schemes Management (olap)

Name:Olap Schemes Management
Official module:
Quality certified:


Base module to manage Olap schemas. Cube designer.


  • base




  • bi.load.db.form (form)
  • Parameters Configuration (form)
  • bi.auto.configure.form (form)
  • olap.schema.tree (tree)
  • olap.schema.form (form)
  • olap.cube.table.form (form)
  • olap.cube.tree (tree)
  • olap.cube.form (form)
  • olap.dimension.tree (tree)
  • olap.dimension.form (form)
  • olap.hierarchy.tree (tree)
  • olap.hierarchy.form (form)
  • olap.level.tree (tree)
  • olap.level.form (form)
  • olap.measure.tree (tree)
  • olap.measure.form (form)
  • olap.saved.query.tree (tree)
  • olap.saved.query.mdx (mdx)
  • olap.saved.query.form (form)
  • olap.query.logs (tree)
  • olap.query.logs.form (form)
  • olap.query.logs (mdx)
  • olap.query.logs.form (form)
  • olap.fact.database.tree (tree)
  • olap.fact.database.form (form)
  • olap.database.tables.tree (tree)
  • olap.database.tables.form (form)
  • olap.database.columns.tree (tree)
  • olap.database.columns.tree.m20 (tree)
  • olap.database.columns.form (form)
  • olap.application.tree (tree)
  • olap.application.form (form)
  • olap.application.table.tree (tree)
  • olap.application.table.form (form)
  • olap.application.field.tree (tree)
  • olap.application.field.form (form)


Object: Olap Fact Database (olap.fact.database)

 Connection type, selection, required
connection_url:Connection URL, char, readonly
name:Fact name, char, required
db_password:Database password, char, required
Password for the login.
table_ids:Tables, one2many
db_port:Database port, integer, required
Port to be used in connection
db_name:Database name, char, required
Name of the database to be used for analysis.
db_login:Database login, char, required
Login for the database name specified.
loaded:Loaded, boolean, readonly
type:Database type, selection, required
db_host:Database host, char, required
Give hostname to make connection to the database.

Object: Olap Schema (olap.schema)

name:Schema name, char, required
app_detect:Connection URL, char, readonly
database_id:Database Connection, many2one, required
note:Schema description, text
ready:Ready, boolean, readonly
state:Schema State, selection, readonly
cube_ids:Cubes, one2many
loaded:Loading Datastructure, boolean, readonly
configure:Configuring Datastructure, boolean, readonly

Object: Olap Database Tables (olap.database.tables)

hide:Hidden, boolean
name:End-User Name, char, required
 Database Id, many2one, required, readonly
table_db_name:Table Name, char, required, readonly
active:Active, boolean
columns:Columns, one2many

Object: Olap Database Columns (olap.database.columns)

hide:Hidden, boolean
name:Column Name, char, required
related_to:Related To, many2one, readonly
table_id:Table Id, many2one, required, readonly
active:Active, boolean
type:Type, selection, required, readonly
column_db_name:Column DBName, char, required, readonly
primary_key:Primary Key, boolean

Object: Olap cube table (olap.cube.table)

 Available Tables, many2many, readonly
line_ids:Database Tables, one2many, required
schema_id:Schema id, many2one
name:Table name, char, required
column_link_id:Relational Column, many2one, required

Object: Olap cube table (olap.cube.table.line)

field_id:Link Field, many2one
cube_table_id:Cube Table, many2one, required
table_id:Database Table, many2one, required

Object: Olap cube (olap.cube)

measure_ids:Measures, one2many
name:Cube name, char, required
dimension_ids:Dimensions, one2many
query_ids:Queries, one2many
schema_id:Schema, many2one, readonly
table_id:Fact table, many2one, required
Table(s) for cube.
query_log:Query Logging, boolean
Enabling this will log all the queries in the browser

Object: Olap query logs (olap.query.logs)

query:Query, text, required
result_size:Result Size, integer, readonly
user_id:OpenERP User, many2one
cube_id:Cube, many2one, required
time:Time, datetime, required

Object: Olap dimension (olap.dimension)

name:Dimension name, char, required
cube_id:Cube, many2one, required
hierarchy_ids:Hierarchies, one2many

Object: Olap hierarchy (olap.hierarchy)

name:Hierarchy name, char, required
sequence:Sequence, integer, required
dimension_id:Dimension, many2one, required
 Primary key table, char
table_id:Fact table(s), many2one, required
Table(s) to make hierarchy on the cube.
level_ids:Levels, one2many
primary_key:Primary key, char

Object: Olap level (olap.level)

column_id_name:Column ID, char, required
name:Level name, char, required
sequence:Sequence, integer, required
table_name:Table name, char, required
The name of the table on which the column is defined. If False, take the table from the hierarchy.
hierarchy_id:Hierarchy, many2one, required
type:Level class, selection, required
column_name:Columns Name, many2one, required

Object: Olap measure (olap.measure)

value_sql:SQL Expression, char
You can provide valid sql expression. Make sure it have function with fully qualified column name like (sum,avg ...)(tablename.columnname (+,- ...) tablename.columnname)
name:Measure name, char, required
cube_id:Cube, many2one, required
datatype:Datatype, selection, required
formatstring:Format string, selection, required
Let you specify how the measure to be displayed in cube browser
value_column:Fact Table Column, many2one
agregator:Agregator, selection, required
table_name:Table name, char
The name of the table on which the column is defined. If False, take the table from the cube.
measure_type:Measure Type, selection, required
Select between auto column or sql expression for the measures
 Column ID, char

Object: Olap application (olap.application)

query:Application Query, text
field_ids:Fields, one2many
name:Application name, char, required
table_ids:Tables, one2many

Object: Olap application table (olap.application.table)

application_id:Application Id, many2one, required
is_hidden:Hidden, boolean
table_name:Table name, char, required
name:Application table name, char, required

Object: Olap application field (olap.application.field)

field_name:Field name, char
is_hidden:Hidden, boolean
table_name:Application table name, char
name:Application field name, char, required
application_id:Application Id, many2one, required

Object: olap.saved.query (olap.saved.query)

user_id:User, many2one
name:Query Name, text
cube_id:Cube, many2one, required
schema_id:Schema, many2one, required
time:Time, datetime, required
query:Query, text, required

Object: bi.load.db.wizard (bi.load.db.wizard)

db_name:Database Name, char, readonly
fact_table:Fact Name, char, readonly

Object: bi.auto.configure.wizard (bi.auto.configure.wizard)

name:Fact Name, char, readonly

Object: Olap Server Parameters (olap.parameters.config.wizard)

host_port:Port, char, required
Put the port for the server. Put 8080 if its not clear.
host_name:Server Name, char, required
Put here the server address or IP Put localhost if its not clear.