
This module is part of the OpenERP software, the leading Open Source enterprise management system. If you want to discover OpenERP, check our screencasts or download OpenERP directly.

Sales Management (sale)

Name:Sales Management
Official module:
Quality certified:


The base module to manage quotations and sales orders.

    * Workflow with validation steps:
        - Quotation -> Sale order -> Invoice
    * Invoicing methods:
        - Invoice on order (before or after shipping)
        - Invoice on delivery
        - Invoice on timesheets
        - Advance invoice
    * Partners preferences (shipping, invoicing, incoterm, ...)
    * Products stocks and prices
    * Delivery methods:
        - all at once, multi-parcel
        - delivery costs


  • product
  • stock
  • mrp
  • process


  • Quotation / Order


  • sale.shop (form)
  • sale.shop (tree)
  • sale.order.calendar (calendar)
  • sale.order.graph (graph)
  • sale.order.tree (tree)
  • sale.order.form (form)
  • sale.order.line.graph (graph)
  • sale.order.line.tree (tree)
  • sale.order.line.form2 (form)
  • Configure Picking Policy for Sale Order (form)
  • * INHERIT stock.picking.form (form)


Object: Sale Shop (sale.shop)

 Payment Accounts, many2many
name:Shop Name, char, required
warehouse_id:Warehouse, many2one
pricelist_id:Pricelist, many2one
project_id:Analytic Account, many2one
 Default Payment Term, many2one, required

Object: Sale Order (sale.order)

origin:Origin, char
order_line:Order Lines, one2many, readonly
picking_policy:Packing Policy, selection, required
If you don’t have enough stock available to deliver all at once, do you accept partial shipments or not?
order_policy:Shipping Policy, selection, required, readonly
The Shipping Policy is used to synchronise invoice and delivery operations. - The ‘Pay before delivery’ choice will first generate the invoice and then generate the packing order after the payment of this invoice. - The ‘Shipping & Manual Invoice’ will create the packing order directly and wait for the user to manually click on the ‘Invoice’ button to generate the draft invoice. - The ‘Invoice on Order After Delivery’ choice will generate the draft invoice based on sale order after all packing lists have been finished. - The ‘Invoice from the packing’ choice is used to create an invoice during the packing process.
invoice_ids:Invoices, many2many
This is the list of invoices that have been generated for this sale order. The same sale order may have been invoiced in several times (by line for example).
shop_id:Shop, many2one, required, readonly
 Customer Ref, char
date_order:Date Ordered, date, required, readonly
partner_id:Customer, many2one, required, readonly
invoiced:Paid, boolean, readonly
amount_tax:Taxes, float, readonly
 Fiscal Position, many2one
amount_untaxed:Untaxed Amount, float, readonly
payment_term:Payment Term, many2one
note:Notes, text
state:Order State, selection, readonly
Gives the state of the quotation or sale order. The exception state is automatically set when a cancel operation occurs in the invoice validation (Invoice Exception) or in the packing list process (Shipping Exception). The ‘Waiting Schedule’ state is set when the invoice is confirmed but waiting for the scheduler to run on the date ‘Date Ordered’.
invoiced_rate:Invoiced, float, readonly
pricelist_id:Pricelist, many2one, required, readonly
project_id:Analytic Account, many2one, readonly
incoterm:Incoterm, selection
 Ordering Contact, many2one, required, readonly
The name and address of the contact that requested the order or quotation.
picked_rate:Picked, float, readonly
 Invoice Address, many2one, required, readonly
user_id:Salesman, many2one
picking_ids:Related Packing, one2many, readonly
This is the list of picking list that have been generated for this invoice
amount_total:Total, float, readonly
name:Order Reference, char, required
 Shipping Address, many2one, required, readonly
shipped:Picked, boolean, readonly
 Invoice on, selection, required
The sale order will automatically create the invoice proposition (draft invoice). Ordered and delivered quantities may not be the same. You have to choose if you invoice based on ordered or shipped quantities. If the product is a service, shipped quantities means hours spent on the associated tasks.

Object: Sale Order line (sale.order.line)

property_ids:Properties, many2many, readonly
 Quantity (UoS), float, readonly
product_uom:Product UoM, many2one, required, readonly
sequence:Sequence, integer
price_unit:Unit Price, float, required, readonly
 Quantity (UoM), float, required, readonly
price_subtotal:Subtotal, float, readonly
product_uos:Product UoS, many2one
 Number Packages, integer, readonly
invoiced:Invoiced, boolean, readonly
move_ids:Inventory Moves, one2many, readonly
delay:Delivery Lead Time, float, required, readonly
Number of days between the order confirmation and the shipping of the products to the customer
state:Status, selection, required, readonly
 Customer, many2one
 Packaging, many2one
tax_id:Taxes, many2many, readonly
type:Procure Method, selection, required, readonly
procurement_id:Procurement, many2one
order_id:Order Ref, many2one, required, readonly
discount:Discount (%), float, readonly
price_net:Net Price, float, readonly
product_id:Product, many2one
name:Description, char, required, readonly
invoice_lines:Invoice Lines, many2many, readonly
notes:Notes, text
th_weight:Weight, float, readonly
 Allotment Partner, many2one

Object: sale.config.picking_policy (sale.config.picking_policy)

picking_policy:Packing Default Policy, selection, required
order_policy:Shipping Default Policy, selection, required
step:Steps To Deliver a Sale Order, selection, required
By default, OpenERP is able to manage complex routing and paths of products in your warehouse and partner locations. This will configure the most common and simple methods to deliver products to the customer in one or two operations by the worker.
name:Name, char