
This module is part of the OpenERP software, the leading Open Source enterprise management system. If you want to discover OpenERP, check our screencasts or download OpenERP directly.

Project Management (project)

Name:Project Management
Official module:
Quality certified:


Project management module that track multi-level projects, tasks,
works done on tasks, eso. It is able to render planning, order tasks, eso.


  • product
  • account
  • hr
  • process


  • Gantt Representation
  • Gantt Representation


  • project.project.form (form)
  • project.project.list (tree)
  • project.project.tree (tree)
  • project.task.work.form (form)
  • project.task.work.tree (tree)
  • project.project.tree (tree)
  • Compute Remaining Hours (form)
  • project.task.form (form)
  • project.task.tree (tree)
  • my.pending.task.tree (tree)
  • project.task.calendar (calendar)
  • project.task.gantt (gantt)
  • project.task.graph (graph)
  • project.task.type.form (form)
  • project.task.type.tree (tree)
  • * INHERIT res.company.task.config (form)


Object: Project (project.project)

tasks:Project tasks, one2many
date_end:Expected End, date
contact_id:Contact, many2one
timesheet_id:Working Time, many2one
Timetable working hours to adjust the gantt diagram report
manager:Project Manager, many2one
child_id:Subproject, one2many
planned_hours:Planned Time, float, readonly
Sum of planned hours of all tasks related to this project.
partner_id:Partner, many2one
warn_footer:Mail Footer, text
Footer added at the beginning of the email for the warning message sent to the customer when a task is closed.
warn_manager:Warn Manager, boolean
If you check this field, the project manager will receive a request each time a task is completed by his team.
warn_customer:Warn Partner, boolean
If you check this, the user will have a popup when closing a task that propose a message to send by email to the customer.
date_start:Starting Date, date
priority:Sequence, integer
parent_id:Parent Project, many2one
If you have [?] in the name, it means there are no analytic account linked to project.
state:State, selection, required, readonly
complete_name:Project Name, char, readonly
members:Project Members, many2many
Project’s member. Not used in any computation, just for information purpose.
 Time Spent, float, readonly
Sum of spent hours of all tasks related to this project.
active:Active, boolean
name:Project Name, char, required
notes:Notes, text
Internal description of the project.
warn_header:Mail Header, text
Header added at the beginning of the email for the warning message sent to the customer when a task is closed.
total_hours:Total Time, float, readonly
Sum of total hours of all tasks related to this project.
category_id:Analytic Account, many2one
Link this project to an analytic account if you need financial management on projects. It enables you to connect projects with budgets, planning, cost and revenue analysis, timesheets on projects, etc.
progress_rate:Progress, float, readonly
Percent of tasks closed according to the total of tasks todo.

Object: Project task type (project.task.type)

name:Type, char, required
description:Description, text

Object: Tasks (project.task)

sequence:Sequence, integer
 Hours Spent, float, readonly
Computed using the sum of the task work done.
planned_hours:Planned Hours, float, required
Estimated time to do the task, usually set by the project manager when the task is in draft state.
partner_id:Partner, many2one
user_id:Assigned to, many2one
date_start:Starting Date, datetime
priority:Importance, selection
parent_id:Parent Task, many2one
state:Status, selection, required, readonly
progress:Progress (%), float, readonly
Computed as: Time Spent / Total Time.
project_id:Project, many2one
If you have [?] in the project name, it means there are no analytic account linked to this project.
type:Type, many2one
description:Description, text
child_ids:Delegated Tasks, one2many
work_ids:Work done, one2many
active:Active, boolean
delay_hours:Delay Hours, float, readonly
Computed as: Total Time - Estimated Time. It gives the difference of the time estimated by the project manager and the real time to close the task.
 Delegated To, many2one
name:Task summary, char, required
date_deadline:Deadline, datetime
notes:Notes, text
date_close:Date Closed, datetime, readonly
total_hours:Total Hours, float, readonly
Computed as: Time Spent + Remaining Time.
history:Task Details, text, readonly
 Remaining Hours, float
Total remaining time, can be re-estimated periodically by the assignee of the task.

Object: Task Work (project.task.work)

date:Date, datetime
hours:Time Spent, float
user_id:Done by, many2one, required
name:Work summary, char
task_id:Task, many2one, required

Object: config.compute.remaining (config.compute.remaining)

 Remaining Hours, float
Total remaining time, can be re-estimated periodically by the assignee of the task.