
This module is part of the OpenERP software, the leading Open Source enterprise management system. If you want to discover OpenERP, check our screencasts or download OpenERP directly.

Products Repairs Module (mrp_repair)

Name:Products Repairs Module
Official module:
Quality certified:


The aim is to have a complete module to manage all products repairs. The following topics should be covered by this module:
           * Add/remove products in the reparation
           * Impact for stocks
           * Invoicing (products and/or services)
           * Warranty concept
           * Repair quotation report
           * Notes for the technician and for the final customer


  • base
  • sale
  • account


  • Quotation / Order


  • mrp.repair.form (form)
  • mrp.repair.tree (tree)


Object: Repairs Order (mrp.repair)

operations:Operation Lines, one2many, readonly
address_id:Delivery Address, many2one
internal_notes:Internal Notes, text
 Quotation Notes, text
partner_id:Partner, many2one
This field allow you to choose the partner that will be invoiced and delivered
invoiced:Invoiced, boolean, readonly
amount_untaxed:Untaxed Amount, float, readonly
location_id:Current Location, many2one, required, readonly
amount_tax:Taxes, float, readonly
state:Repair State, selection, readonly
Gives the state of the Repair Order
pricelist_id:Pricelist, many2one
The pricelist comes from the selected partner, by default.
amount_total:Total, float, readonly
prodlot_id:Lot Number, many2one
 Invoicing Address, many2one
move_id:Move, many2one, required, readonly
name:Repair Ref, char, required
product_id:Product to Repair, many2one, required, readonly
 Guarantee limit, date
The guarantee limit is computed as: last move date + warranty defined on selected product. If the current date is below the guarantee limit, each operation and fee you add will be set as ‘not to invoiced’ by default. Note you can manually change this later.
deliver_bool:Deliver, boolean
Check this box if you want to manage the delivery once the product is repaired. If checked, it will create a packing with selected product. Note that you can select the locations in the Info tab, if you have the extended view.
invoice_method:Invoice Method, selection, required, readonly
This field allow you to change the workflow of the repair order. If value selected is different from ‘No Invoice’, it also allow you to select the pricelist and invoicing address.
 Delivery Location, many2one, readonly
invoice_id:Invoice, many2one, readonly
fees_lines:Fees Lines, one2many, readonly
repaired:Repaired, boolean, readonly
picking_id:Packing, many2one, readonly

Object: Repair Operations Lines (mrp.repair.line)

name:Description, char, required
product_uom:Product UoM, many2one, required
repair_id:Repair Order Ref, many2one
type:Type, selection, required
price_unit:Unit Price, float, required
 Quantity (UoM), float, required
price_subtotal:Subtotal, float, readonly
to_invoice:To Invoice, boolean
state:Status, selection, required, readonly
product_id:Product, many2one, required
 Dest. Location, many2one, required
invoiced:Invoiced, boolean, readonly
location_id:Source Location, many2one, required
 Invoice Line, many2one, readonly
move_id:Inventory Move, many2one, readonly
tax_id:Taxes, many2many

Object: Repair Fees line (mrp.repair.fee)

name:Description, char, required
product_uom:Product UoM, many2one, required
repair_id:Repair Order Ref, many2one, required
price_unit:Unit Price, float, required
 Quantity, float, required
price_subtotal:Subtotal, float, readonly
to_invoice:To Invoice, boolean
invoiced:Invoiced, boolean, readonly
tax_id:Taxes, many2many
 Invoice Line, many2one, readonly
product_id:Product, many2one