
This module is part of the OpenERP software, the leading Open Source enterprise management system. If you want to discover OpenERP, check our screencasts or download OpenERP directly.

Partner labels (label)

Name:Partner labels
Author:Zikzakmedia SL
Official module:
Quality certified:


Flexible partner labels:
  * Definition of page sizes, label manufacturers and label formats
  * Flexible label formats (page size, portrait or landscape, manufacturer, rows, columns, width, height, top margin, left margin, ...)
  * Initial data for page sizes and label formats (from Avery and Apli manufacturers)
  * Wizard to print labels. The label format, the printer margins, the font type and size, the first label (row and column) to print on the first page can be set.


  • base




  • report.pagesize.tree (tree)
  • report.pagesize (form)
  • report.label.tree (tree)
  • report.label (form)


Object: report.pagesize (report.pagesize)

width:Width, char, required
Numeric width of the page ended with the unit (cm or in). For example, A4 is 21cm and letter is 8.5in
name:Name, char, required
height:Height, char, required
Numeric height of the page ended with the unit (cm or in). For example, A4 is 29.7cm and letter is 11in

Object: report.label.manufacturer (report.label.manufacturer)

name:Name, char, required

Object: report.label (report.label)

rows:Number of Rows, integer, required
description:Description, text
label_height:Label Height, char, required
Numeric value ended with the unit (cm or in). For example 29.7cm or 11in
label_width:Label Width, char, required
Numeric value ended with the unit (cm or in). For example 29.7cm or 11in
pagesize_id:Page Size, many2one, required
cols:Number of Columns, integer, required
width_incr:Width Increment, char, required
Width between start positions of 2 labels. Numeric value ended with the unit (cm or in). For example 29.7cm or 11in
margin_top:Top Margin, char, required
Numeric value ended with the unit (cm or in). For example 29.7cm or 11in
margin_left:Left Margin, char, required
Numeric value ended with the unit (cm or in). For example 29.7cm or 11in
height_incr:Height Increment, char, required
Height between start positions of 2 labels. Numeric value ended with the unit (cm or in). For example 29.7cm or 11in
 Manufacturer, many2one
landscape:Landscape, boolean
No check -> Portrait. Check -> Landscape
name:Name, char, required