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Direct Marketing (dm)

Name:Direct Marketing
Official module:
Quality certified:


Marketing Campaign Management Module

        This module allows to :

        * Commercial Offers :
            - Create  Multimedia Commercial Offers
            - View a graphical representation of the offer steps
            - Create offers from offer models and offer ideas

        * Marketing Campaign
            - Plan your Marketing Campaign and Commercial Propositions
            - Generate the Retro planning (automatically creates all the tasks necessary to launch your campaign)
            - Assign automatic prices to the items of your commercial propositions
            - Auto generate the purchase orders for all the items of the campaign
            - Manage Customers Fils, segments and segmentation criteria
            - Create campaigns from campaign models
            - Manage copywriters, brokers, dealers, addresses deduplicators and cleaners


  • project_retro_planning
  • purchase_tender
  • base_language
  • document
  • base_report_designer
  • sale
  • base_partner_gender


  • Offer
  • Offer Model
  • PreOffer
  • Offer Graph
  • Campaign


  • dm.offer.list (tree)
  • dm.offer.tree (tree)
  • dm.offer.form (form)
  • dm.offer.model.tree (tree)
  • dm.offer.model.form (form)
  • dm.preoffer.form (form)
  • dm.offer.category.form (form)
  • dm.offer.category.list (tree)
  • dm.offer.category.tree (tree)
  • dm.offer.history.form (form)
  • dm.offer.history.tree (tree)
  • dm.offer.step.type.form (form)
  • dm.offer.step.type.tree (tree)
  • dm.offer.step.tree (tree)
  • dm.offer.step.form (form)
  • dm.offer.step.transition.trigger.form (form)
  • dm.offer.step.transition.trigger.tree (tree)
  • dm.media.form (form)
  • dm.meida.tree (tree)
  • * INHERIT product.normal.form.inherit (form)
  • * INHERIT ir.actions.server.inherit (form)
  • dm.offer.step.action.form (form)
  • dm.offer.step.action.tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.calendar (calendar)
  • dm.campaign.tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.form (form)
  • dm.campaign.model.tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.model.form (form)
  • dm.campaign.proposition.form (form)
  • dm.campaign.proposition.tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.proposition.calendar (calendar)
  • dm.campaign.proposition.segment.form (form)
  • dm.campaign.proposition.segment.tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.group.form (form)
  • dm.campaign.group.tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.type.form (form)
  • dm.campaign.type.tree (tree)
  • dm.overlay.form (form)
  • dm.overlay.tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.proposition.prices_progression.form (form)
  • dm.campaign.proposition.prices_progression.tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.purchase_line_tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.purchase_line_form (form)
  • dm.customers_list.form (form)
  • dm.customers_list.tree (tree)
  • dm.customers_list.type.form (form)
  • dm.customers_list.type.tree (tree)
  • dm.customers_list.recruit_origin.form (form)
  • dm.customers_list.recruit_origin.tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.document.type.form (form)
  • dm.campaign.document.type.tree (tree)
  • dm.campaign.document.form (form)
  • dm.campaign.document.tree (tree)
  • dm.customers_file.form (form)
  • dm.customers_file.tree (tree)
  • * INHERIT res.country.form.inherit (form)
  • * INHERIT res.partner.form.inherit (form)
  • dm.overlay.payment_rule.form (form)
  • dm.overlay.payment_rule.tree (tree)
  • dm.customer.form (form)
  • dm.customer.tree (tree)
  • dm.customer.order.form (form)
  • dm.customer.order.tree (tree)
  • dm.order.form (form)
  • dm.order.tree (tree)
  • dm.customer.gender.form (form)
  • dm.customer.gender.tree (tree)
  • dm.worktitem.form (form)
  • dm.workitem.tree (tree)
  • dm.customer.segmentation.form (form)
  • dm.customer.segmentation.tree (tree)
  • dm.event.tree (tree)
  • dm.event.form (form)
  • dm.trademark.tree (tree)
  • dm.trademark.form (form)
  • dm.offer.document.category.form (form)
  • dm.offer.document.category.tree (tree)
  • dm.offer.document.form (form)
  • dm.offer.document.tree (tree)
  • dm.document.template.form (form)
  • dm.document.template.tree (tree)
  • dm.ddf.plugin.form (form)
  • dm.ddf.plugin.tree (tree)
  • dm.plugins.value.form (form)
  • dm.plugins.value.tree (tree)
  • dm.mail_service.form (form)
  • dm.mail_service.tree (tree)


Object: dm.media (dm.media)

code:Code, char, required
name:Name, char, required

Object: dm.trademark (dm.trademark)

code:Code, char, required
media_id:Media, many2one
name:Name, char, required
header:Header (.odt), binary
signature:Signature, binary
logo:Logo, binary
partner_id:Partner, many2one

Object: dm.offer.category (dm.offer.category)

child_ids:Childs Category, one2many
parent_id:Parent, many2one
complete_name:Category, char, readonly
name:Name, char, required

Object: dm.offer.production.cost (dm.offer.production.cost)

name:Name, char, required

Object: dm.offer (dm.offer)

code:Code, char, required
purchase_note:Purchase Notes, text
 Production Categories, many2many
 Last Modification Date, char, readonly
keywords:Keywords, text
preoffer_type:Type, selection
 Original Offer, many2one
 Production Cost, many2one
copywriter_id:Copywriter, many2one
 Forbidden States, many2many
category_ids:Categories, many2many
 Original Offer Idea, many2one
state:Status, selection, readonly
version:Version, float
history_ids:History, one2many, readonly
type:Type, selection
lang_orig_id:Original Language, many2one
 Purchase Categories, many2many
name:Name, char, required
 Recommended Trademark, many2one
child_ids:Childs Category, one2many
 Offer, many2one
 Translations, one2many, readonly
active:Active, boolean
order_date:Order Date, date
legal_state:Legal State, selection
quotation:Quotation, char
step_ids:Offer Steps, one2many
 Responsible, many2one
notes:General Notes, text
fixed_date:Fixed Date, date
 Planned Delivery Date, date
 Forbidden Countries, many2many
delivery_date:Delivery Date, date

Object: dm.offer.translation (dm.offer.translation)

date:Date, date
language_id:Language, many2one
offer_id:Offer, many2one, required
notes:Notes, text
translator_id:Translator, many2one

Object: dm.offer.step.type (dm.offer.step.type)

name:Name, char, required
code:Code, char, required
description:Description, text
flow_stop:Flow Stop, boolean
flow_start:Flow Start, boolean

Object: dm.offer.step.action (dm.offer.step.action)

sms_server:SMS Server, many2one
code:Python Code, text
Python code to be executed
media_id:Media, many2one, required
sequence:Sequence, integer
Important when you deal with multiple actions, the execution order will be decided based on this, low number is higher priority.
child_ids:Other Actions, many2many
trigger_name:Trigger Name, selection
Select the Signal name that is to be used as the trigger.
record_id:Create Id, many2one
Provide the field name where the record id is stored after the create operations. If it is empty, you can not track the new record.
write_id:Write Id, char
Provide the field name that the record id refers to for the write operation. If it is empty it will refer to the active id of the object.
srcmodel_id:Model, many2one
Object in which you want to create / write the object. If it is empty then refer to the Object field.
message:Message, text
Specify the message. You can use the fields from the object. e.g. `Dear [[ object.partner_id.name ]]`
dm_action:Action, boolean
email_server:Email Server, many2one
model_id:Object, many2one, required
Select the object on which the action will work (read, write, create).
subject:Subject, char
Specify the subject. You can use fields from the object, e.g. `Hello [[ object.partner_id.name ]]`
loop_action:Loop Action, many2one
Select the action that will be executed. Loop action will not be available inside loop.
fields_lines:Field Mappings., one2many
trigger_obj_id:Trigger On, many2one
Select the object from the model on which the workflow will executed.
name:Action Name, char, required
Easy to Refer action by name e.g. One Sales Order -> Many Invoices
mobile:Mobile No, char
Provides fields that be used to fetch the mobile number, e.g. you select the invoice, then `object.invoice_address_id.mobile` is the field which gives the correct mobile number
expression:Loop Expression, char
Enter the field/expression that will return the list. E.g. select the sale order in Object, and you can have loop on the sales order line. Expression = `object.order_line`.
 Server Action, many2one
sms:SMS, char
wkf_model_id:Workflow On, many2one
Workflow to be executed on this model.
state:Action Type, selection, required
Type of the Action that is to be executed
condition:Condition, char, required
Condition that is to be tested before action is executed, e.g. object.list_price > object.cost_price
usage:Action Usage, char
type:Action Type, char, required
email:Email Address, char
Provides the fields that will be used to fetch the email address, e.g. when you select the invoice, then `object.invoice_address_id.email` is the field which gives the correct address
action_id:Client Action, many2one
Select the Action Window, Report, Wizard to be executed.

Object: dm.offer.step (dm.offer.step)

 Incoming Transition, one2many, readonly
 Mailing Manufacturing Products, many2many
purchase_note:Purchase Notes, text
seq:Step Type Sequence, integer
type_id:Type, many2one, required
flow_start:Flow Start, boolean
code:Code, char, required
item_ids:Items, many2many
origin_id:Origin, many2one
parent_id:Parent, many2one
state:Status, selection, readonly
 Outgoing Transition, one2many
desc:Description, text
trademark_note:Trademark Notes, text
action_id:Action, many2one, required
document_ids:DTP Documents, one2many
media_id:Media, many2one, required
offer_id:Offer, many2one, required
 Production Notes, text
doc_number:Number of documents of the mailing, integer
split_mode:Split mode, selection
 Mailing at dates, boolean
legal_state:Legal State, char
quotation:Quotation, char
 DTP Categories, many2many
name:Name, char, required
floating_date:Floating date, boolean
notes:Notes, text
 Trademark Categories, many2many
dtp_note:DTP Notes, text
interactive:Interactive, boolean
planning_note:Planning Notes, text

Object: dm.offer.step.transition.trigger (dm.offer.step.transition.trigger)

in_act_cond:Action Condition, text, required
code:Code, char, required
name:Trigger Name, char, required
gen_next_wi:Auto Generate Next Workitems, boolean

Object: dm.offer.step.transition (dm.offer.step.transition)

delay:Offer Delay, integer, required
delay_type:Delay type, selection, required
step_to_id:To Offer Step, many2one, required
condition_id:Trigger Condition, many2one, required
step_from_id:From Offer Step, many2one, required

Object: dm.overlay.payment_rule (dm.overlay.payment_rule)

account_id:Account, many2one
move:Move, selection
country_id:Country, many2one
journal_id:Journal, many2one
currency_id:Currency, many2one
 Default for Country, boolean

Object: dm.campaign.group (dm.campaign.group)

code:Code, char, readonly
name:Campaign group name, char, required
campaign_ids:Campaigns, one2many, readonly
 Total Wanted Quantity, char, readonly
 Total Usable Quantity, char, readonly
project_id:Project, many2one, readonly
 Purchase Lines, one2many
 Total Delivered Quantity, char, readonly

Object: dm.campaign.type (dm.campaign.type)

code:Code, char, required
name:Description, char, required
description:Description, text

Object: dm.overlay (dm.overlay)

trademark_id:Trademark, many2one, required
dealer_id:Dealer, many2one, required
country_ids:Country, many2many, required
code:Code, char, readonly
 Payment Method Rules, many2many
 Account, many2one

Object: dm.campaign (dm.campaign)

code:Account Code, char
cleaner_id:Cleaner, many2one
The cleaner is a partner responsible for removing bad addresses from the customers list
contact_id:Contact, many2one
address_ids:Partners Contacts, many2many
 Budget Lines, one2many
 Total Usable Quantity, char, readonly
 Proposition, one2many
 Date of Last Cost/Work, date, readonly
Date of the latest work done on this account.
dealer_id:Dealer, many2one
The dealer is the partner the campaign is planned for
 Manufacturing Costs, one2many
company_id:Company, many2one, required
parent_id:Parent Analytic Account, many2one
pricelist_id:Sale Pricelist, many2one
project_id:Project, many2one, readonly
Generating the Retro Planning will create and assign the different tasks used to plan and manage the campaign
ca_to_invoice:Uninvoiced Amount, float, readonly
If invoice from analytic account, the remaining amount you can invoice to the customer based on the total costs.
 Customer Files tasks, one2many
 Payment Methods, many2many
child_ids:Child Accounts, one2many
 Total Wanted Quantity, char, readonly
user_ids:User, many2many, readonly
 Campaign group, many2one
item_task_ids:Items Procurement tasks, one2many
 Theorical Margin, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Theorial Revenue - Total Costs
dtp_task_ids:DTP tasks, one2many
name:Account Name, char, required
notes:Notes, text
 Translation Status, selection, readonly
 Total planned Quantity, char, readonly
 Remaining Hours, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Maximum Quantity - Hours Tot.
 Date of Last Invoiced Cost, date, readonly
If invoice from the costs, this is the date of the latest work or cost that have been invoiced.
 Manufacturing Product, many2one
 Customers Files Status, selection, readonly
 Last Invoice Date, date, readonly
Date of the last invoice created for this analytic account.
 DTP Purchase Lines, one2many
package_ok:Used in Package, boolean
partner_id:Associated Partner, many2one
 Analytic Account, many2one
 Revenue per Hours (real), float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Invoiced Amount / Hours Tot.
total_cost:Total Costs, float, readonly
Total of costs for this account. It includes real costs (from invoices) and indirect costs, like time spent on timesheets.
country_id:Country, many2one, required
The language and currency will be automatically assigned if they are defined for the country
state:State, selection, required
debit:Debit, float, readonly
 Invoiced Amount, float, readonly
Total invoiced
planning_state:Planning Status, selection, readonly
 Users/Products Rel., one2many
 Responsible, many2one
overlay_id:Overlay, many2one
active:Active, boolean
 Mailing Service, one2many
 Real Margin Rate (%), float, readonly
Computes using the formula: (Real Margin / Total Costs) * 100.
credit:Credit, float, readonly
month_ids:Month, many2many, readonly
line_ids:Analytic Entries, one2many
items_state:Items Status, selection, readonly
trademark_id:Trademark, many2one
amount_max:Max. Invoice Price, float
dtp_state:DTP Status, selection, readonly
user_id:Account Manager, many2one
 Responsible, many2one
 Manufacturing Purchase Lines, one2many
type:Account Type, selection
offer_id:Offer, many2one, required
Choose the commercial offer to use with this campaign, only offers in ready to plan or open state can be assigned
ca_invoiced:Invoiced Amount, float, readonly
Total customer invoiced amount for this account.
 Type, many2one
hours_quantity:Hours Tot, float, readonly
Number of hours you spent on the analytic account (from timesheet). It computes on all journal of type ‘general’.
 Manufacturing Status, selection, readonly
ca_theorical:Theorical Revenue, float, readonly
Based on the costs you had on the project, what would the revenue have been if all these costs were invoiced at the normal sale price given by the pricelist.
currency_id:Currency, many2one
 Making Time, float, readonly
to_invoice:Reinvoice Costs, many2one
Check this field if you plan to automatically generate invoices based on the costs in this analytic account: timesheets, expenses, ...You can configure an automatic invoice rate on analytic accounts.
balance:Balance, float, readonly
 Total Delivered Quantity, char, readonly
 Responsible, many2one
quantity_max:Maximum Quantity, float
 Deduplicator, many2one
The deduplicator is a partner responsible for removing identical addresses from the customers list
 Currency, many2one, readonly
 Uninvoiced Hours, float, readonly
Number of hours (from journal of type ‘general’) that can be invoiced if you invoice based on analytic account.
 Responsible, many2one
date_start:Date Start, date
 Forwarding Charge, float
lang_id:Language, many2one
complete_name:Full Account Name, char, readonly
real_margin:Real Margin, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Invoiced Amount - Total Costs.
 Invoiced Hours, float, readonly
Number of hours that can be invoiced plus those that already have been invoiced.
router_id:Router, many2one
The router is the partner who will send the mailing to the final customer
description:Description, text
 Manufacturing tasks, one2many
remaining_ca:Remaining Revenue, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Max Invoice Price - Invoiced Amount.
responsible_id:Responsible, many2one
date:Date End, date
 Items Purchase Lines, one2many
code1:Code, char, readonly
 Customer Files Purchase Lines, one2many
 Invoicing Rate per Journal, one2many
quantity:Quantity, float, readonly

Object: dm.campaign.proposition (dm.campaign.proposition)

 Initial proposition, many2one
code:Account Code, char
 Date of Last Invoiced Cost, date, readonly
If invoice from the costs, this is the date of the latest work or cost that have been invoiced.
ca_to_invoice:Uninvoiced Amount, float, readonly
If invoice from analytic account, the remaining amount you can invoice to the customer based on the total costs.
quantity_max:Maximum Quantity, float
 Wanted Quantity, char, readonly
The wanted quantity is the number of addresses you wish to get for that segment. This is usually the quantity used to order Customers Lists The wanted quantity could be AAA for All Addresses Available
contact_id:Contact, many2one
 Currency, many2one, readonly
date:Date End, date
 Last Invoice Date, date, readonly
Date of the last invoice created for this analytic account.
 Budget Lines, one2many
amount_max:Max. Invoice Price, float
package_ok:Used in Package, boolean
 Uninvoiced Hours, float, readonly
Number of hours (from journal of type ‘general’) that can be invoiced if you invoice based on analytic account.
keep_prices:Keep Prices At Duplication, boolean
partner_id:Associated Partner, many2one
 Type, selection
 Analytic Account, many2one
 Date of Last Cost/Work, date, readonly
Date of the latest work done on this account.
 Starting Mail Price, float
user_id:Account Manager, many2one
item_ids:Catalogue, one2many
to_invoice:Reinvoice Costs, many2one
Check this field if you plan to automatically generate invoices based on the costs in this analytic account: timesheets, expenses, ...You can configure an automatic invoice rate on analytic accounts.
total_cost:Total Costs, float, readonly
Total of costs for this account. It includes real costs (from invoices) and indirect costs, like time spent on timesheets.
date_start:Date Start, date
company_id:Company, many2one, required
segment_ids:Segment, one2many
parent_id:Parent Analytic Account, many2one
state:State, selection, required
 Planned Quantity, integer
The planned quantity is an estimation of the usable quantity of addresses you will get after delivery, deduplication and cleaning This is usually the quantity used to order the manufacturing of the mailings
complete_name:Full Account Name, char, readonly
real_margin:Real Margin, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Invoiced Amount - Total Costs.
debit:Debit, float, readonly
 Forwarding Charge, float
pricelist_id:Sale Pricelist, many2one
type:Account Type, selection
quantity:Quantity, float, readonly
 Manufacturing Costs, float
 Invoicing Rate per Journal, one2many
 Payment Methods, many2many
description:Description, text
 Invoiced Amount, float, readonly
Total invoiced
 Forwarding Charges, float
credit:Credit, float, readonly
child_ids:Child Accounts, one2many
 Users/Products Rel., one2many
ca_invoiced:Invoiced Amount, float, readonly
Total customer invoiced amount for this account.
sale_rate:Sale Rate (%), float
This is the planned sale rate (in percent) for this commercial proposition
user_ids:User, many2many, readonly
remaining_ca:Remaining Revenue, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Max Invoice Price - Invoiced Amount.
 Delivered Quantity, char, readonly
The delivered quantity is the number of addresses you receive from the broker.
code1:Code, char, readonly
 Invoiced Hours, float, readonly
Number of hours that can be invoiced plus those that already have been invoiced.
active:Active, boolean
hours_quantity:Hours Tot, float, readonly
Number of hours you spent on the analytic account (from timesheet). It computes on all journal of type ‘general’.
 Theorical Margin, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Theorial Revenue - Total Costs
 Usable Quantity, char, readonly
The usable quantity is the number of addresses you have after delivery, deduplication and cleaning.
ca_theorical:Theorical Revenue, float, readonly
Based on the costs you had on the project, what would the revenue have been if all these costs were invoiced at the normal sale price given by the pricelist.
force_sm_price:Force Starting Mail Price, boolean
sm_price:Starting Mail Price, float
keep_segments:Keep Segments, boolean
name:Account Name, char, required
 Product Pricelist, many2one
notes:Notes, text
address_ids:Partners Contacts, many2many
 Real Margin Rate (%), float, readonly
Computes using the formula: (Real Margin / Total Costs) * 100.
 Revenue per Hours (real), float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Invoiced Amount / Hours Tot.
month_ids:Month, many2many, readonly
quantity_real:Real Quantity, char, readonly
The real quantity is the actual number of addresses you get in the file.
price_prog_use:Price Progression, boolean
line_ids:Analytic Entries, one2many
balance:Balance, float, readonly
camp_id:Campaign, many2one, required
 Remaining Hours, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Maximum Quantity - Hours Tot.

Object: The origin of the addresses of a list (dm.customers_list.recruit_origin)

code:Code, char, required
name:Name, char, required

Object: Type of the adress list (dm.customers_list.type)

code:Code, char, required
name:Name, char, required

Object: A list of addresses proposed by an addresses broker (dm.customers_list)

other_cost:Other Cost, float
selection_cost:Selection Cost Per Thousand, float
broker_cost:Broker Cost, float
The amount given to the broker for the list renting
code:Code, char, required
list_type_id:Type, many2one
 Price per Thousand, float
update_frq:Update Frequency, integer
currency_id:Currency, many2one
country_id:Country, many2one
name:Name, char, required
 Broker Discount (%), float
 Recruiting Origin, many2one
Origin of the recruiting of the addresses
broker_id:Broker, many2one
delivery_cost:Delivery Cost, float
invoice_base:Invoicing based on, selection
Net or raw quantity on which the final invoice is based depending on the term negotiated with the broker. Net : Usable quantity after deduplication Raw : Delivered quantity Real : Realy used quantity
owner_id:Owner, many2one
notes:Description, text
product_id:Product, many2one, required

Object: A File of addresses (dm.customers_file)

address_ids:Customers File Addresses, many2many
code:Code, char, required
name:Name, char, required
case_ids:CRM Cases, many2many
note:Notes, text
source:Source, selection, required
 Customers List, many2one
delivery_date:Delivery Date, date
segment_ids:Segments, one2many, readonly

Object: A subset of addresses coming from a customers file (dm.campaign.proposition.segment)

code:Account Code, char
 Date of Last Invoiced Cost, date, readonly
If invoice from the costs, this is the date of the latest work or cost that have been invoiced.
ca_to_invoice:Uninvoiced Amount, float, readonly
If invoice from analytic account, the remaining amount you can invoice to the customer based on the total costs.
 Analytic Account, many2one
 Cleaned Quantity, integer
The quantity of wrong addresses removed by the cleaner.
 Segmentation Criteria, text
 Deduplication Quantity, integer
The quantity of duplicated addresses removed by the cleaner.
quantity_max:Maximum Quantity, float
 Usable Quantity, integer, readonly
The usable quantity is the number of addresses you have after delivery, deduplication and cleaning.
contact_id:Contact, many2one
 Currency, many2one, readonly
date:Date End, date
 Last Invoice Date, date, readonly
Date of the last invoice created for this analytic account.
 Budget Lines, one2many
amount_max:Max. Invoice Price, float
package_ok:Used in Package, boolean
 Uninvoiced Hours, float, readonly
Number of hours (from journal of type ‘general’) that can be invoiced if you invoice based on analytic account.
partner_id:Associated Partner, many2one
all_add_avail:All Addresses Available, boolean
Used to order all addresses available in the customers list based on the segmentation criteria
split_id:Split, many2one
note:Notes, text
 Date of Last Cost/Work, date, readonly
Date of the latest work done on this account.
start_census:Start Census, integer
The recency is the time since the last purchase. For example : A 0-30 recency means all the customers that have purchased in the last 30 days
user_id:Account Manager, many2one
to_invoice:Reinvoice Costs, many2one
Check this field if you plan to automatically generate invoices based on the costs in this analytic account: timesheets, expenses, ...You can configure an automatic invoice rate on analytic accounts.
total_cost:Total Costs, float, readonly
Total of costs for this account. It includes real costs (from invoices) and indirect costs, like time spent on timesheets.
 Purged Quantity, integer, readonly
The purged quantity is the number of addresses removed from deduplication and cleaning.
date_start:Date Start, date
 Customers File, many2one
company_id:Company, many2one, required
proposition_id:Proposition, many2one
reuse_id:Reuse, many2one
parent_id:Parent Analytic Account, many2one
state:State, selection, required
 Customers List, many2one
complete_name:Full Account Name, char, readonly
real_margin:Real Margin, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Invoiced Amount - Total Costs.
debit:Debit, float, readonly
pricelist_id:Sale Pricelist, many2one
type_src:Type, selection
type:Account Type, selection
quantity:Quantity, float, readonly
 Cleaned Quantity, integer
The quantity of wrong addresses removed by the deduplicator.
 Invoicing Rate per Journal, one2many
description:Description, text
 Invoiced Amount, float, readonly
Total invoiced
 planned Quantity, integer
The planned quantity is an estimation of the usable quantity of addresses you will get after delivery, deduplication and cleaning This is usually the quantity used to order the manufacturing of the mailings
credit:Credit, float, readonly
child_ids:Child Accounts, one2many
 Users/Products Rel., one2many
ca_invoiced:Invoiced Amount, float, readonly
Total customer invoiced amount for this account.
user_ids:User, many2many, readonly
remaining_ca:Remaining Revenue, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Max Invoice Price - Invoiced Amount.
 Delivered Quantity, integer
The delivered quantity is the number of addresses you receive from the broker.
code1:Code, char, readonly
 Invoiced Hours, float, readonly
Number of hours that can be invoiced plus those that already have been invoiced.
active:Active, boolean
hours_quantity:Hours Tot, float, readonly
Number of hours you spent on the analytic account (from timesheet). It computes on all journal of type ‘general’.
 Deduplication Level, integer
The deduplication level defines the order in which the deduplication takes place.
 Theorical Margin, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Theorial Revenue - Total Costs
ca_theorical:Theorical Revenue, float, readonly
Based on the costs you had on the project, what would the revenue have been if all these costs were invoiced at the normal sale price given by the pricelist.
 Wanted Quantity, integer
The wanted quantity is the number of addresses you wish to get for that segment. This is usually the quantity used to order Customers Lists The wanted quantity could be AAA for All Addresses Available
type_census:Census Type, selection
name:Account Name, char, required
end_census:End Census, integer
address_ids:Partners Contacts, many2many
 Real Margin Rate (%), float, readonly
Computes using the formula: (Real Margin / Total Costs) * 100.
 Revenue per Hours (real), float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Invoiced Amount / Hours Tot.
 Deduplication Quantity, integer
The quantity of duplicated addresses removed by the deduplicator.
month_ids:Month, many2many, readonly
quantity_real:Real Quantity, integer
The real quantity is the actual number of addresses in the customers file (by counting).
line_ids:Analytic Entries, one2many
balance:Balance, float, readonly
 Remaining Hours, float, readonly
Computed using the formula: Maximum Quantity - Hours Tot.

Object: dm.campaign.proposition.item (dm.campaign.proposition.item)

product_id:Product, many2one, required
price:Sale Price, float
qty_real:Real Quantity, integer
proposition_id:Commercial Proposition, many2one
qty_planned:Planned Quantity, integer
item_type:Product Type, selection
 Offer Step Type, many2one
notes:Notes, text

Object: dm.campaign.purchase_line (dm.campaign.purchase_line)

type_document:Document Type, selection
 Campaign Group, many2one
product_id:Product, many2one, required
togroup:Apply to Campaign Group, boolean
 Product Category, selection
trigger:Trigger, selection
notes:Notes, text
date_planned:Scheduled date, datetime, required
campaign_id:Campaign, many2one
date_delivery:Delivery Date, datetime, readonly
uom_id:UOM, many2one, required
 Insert Description from Offer, boolean
state:State, selection, readonly
type_quantity:Quantity Type, selection
 Warning, char, readonly
 Campaign Purchase Line, one2many
date_order:Order date, datetime, readonly
type:Type, selection
quantity:Total Quantity, integer, required

Object: dm.campaign.manufacturing_cost (dm.campaign.manufacturing_cost)

amount:Amount, float
name:Description, char, required
campaign_id:Campaign, many2one

Object: dm.campaign.proposition.prices_progression (dm.campaign.proposition.prices_progression)

percent_prog:Percentage Prices Progression, float
fixed_prog:Fixed Prices Progression, float
name:Name, char, required

Object: dm.campaign.document.type (dm.campaign.document.type)

code:Code, char, required
name:Name, char, required

Object: dm.campaign.document (dm.campaign.document)

segment_id:Segment, many2one, required
name:Name, char, required
type_id:Format, many2one, required

Object: dm.order (dm.order)

customer_code:Customer Code, char
zip:Zip Code, char
segment_code:Segment Code, char
country:Country, char
 Offer Step Code, char
title:Title, char
 First Name, char
customer_add4:Address4, char
state:Status, selection, readonly
zip_summary:Zip Summary, char
 Last Name, char
customer_add1:Address1, char
raw_datas:Raw Data, char
 Distribution Office, char
customer_add2:Address2, char
customer_add3:Address3, char

Object: Sale Order (dm.customer.order)

origin:Origin, char
order_line:Order Lines, one2many, readonly
picking_policy:Packing Policy, selection, required
If you don’t have enough stock available to deliver all at once, do you accept partial shipments or not?
order_policy:Shipping Policy, selection, required, readonly
The Shipping Policy is used to synchronise invoice and delivery operations. - The ‘Pay before delivery’ choice will first generate the invoice and then generate the packing order after the payment of this invoice. - The ‘Shipping & Manual Invoice’ will create the packing order directly and wait for the user to manually click on the ‘Invoice’ button to generate the draft invoice. - The ‘Invoice on Order After Delivery’ choice will generate the draft invoice based on sale order after all packing lists have been finished. - The ‘Invoice from the packing’ choice is used to create an invoice during the packing process.
invoice_ids:Invoice, many2many
This is the list of invoices that have been generated for this sale order. The same sale order may have been invoiced in several times (by line for example).
shop_id:Shop, many2one, required, readonly
 Customer Ref, char
date_order:Date Ordered, date, required, readonly
partner_id:Customer, many2one, readonly
invoiced:Paid, boolean, readonly
note:Notes, text
 Fiscal Position, many2one
user_id:Salesman, many2one
payment_term:Payment Term, many2one
amount_tax:Taxes, float, readonly
offer_step_id:Offer Step, many2one
state:Status, selection, readonly
 Order Lines, one2many, readonly
invoiced_rate:Invoiced, float, readonly
pricelist_id:Pricelist, many2one, required, readonly
 Advertising Agency, many2one
project_id:Analytic Account, many2one, readonly
incoterm:Incoterm, selection
 Published Customer, many2one
 Ordering Contact, many2one, required, readonly
The name and address of the contact that requested the order or quotation.
picked_rate:Picked, float, readonly
 Invoice Address, many2one, required, readonly
amount_untaxed:Untaxed Amount, float, readonly
picking_ids:Related Packing, one2many, readonly
This is the list of picking list that have been generated for this invoice
amount_total:Total, float, readonly
customer_id:Customer, many2one
name:Order Description, char, required
 Shipping Address, many2one, required, readonly
segment_id:Segment, many2one
price_type:Price method, selection, required
shipped:Picked, boolean, readonly
 Invoice on, selection, required
The sale order will automatically create the invoice proposition (draft invoice). Ordered and delivered quantities may not be the same. You have to choose if you invoice based on ordered or shipped quantities. If the product is a service, shipped quantities means hours spent on the associated tasks.
 Discount Campaign, many2one
margin:Margin, float, readonly

Object: dm.customer.gender (dm.customer.gender)

code:Code, char, readonly
name:Name, char
to_gender_id:To Gender, many2one, required
lang_id:Language, many2one
from_gender_id:From Gender, many2one
description:Description, text

Object: workitem (dm.workitem)

action_time:Action Time, datetime
address_id:Customer Address, many2one
segment_id:Segments, many2one
source:Source, selection, required
state:Status, selection
case_id:CRM Case, many2one
tr_from_id:Source Transition, many2one
step_id:Offer Step, many2one
error_msg:System Message, text

Object: Segmentation (dm.customer.segmentation)

 Customers Date Criteria, one2many
 Customers Order Textual Criteria, one2many
code:Code, char, required
name:Name, char, required
notes:Description, text
 Customers Order Boolean Criteria, one2many
 Customers Order Numeric Criteria, one2many
 Customers Numeric Criteria, one2many
 Customers Boolean Criteria, one2many
sql_query:SQL Query, text
 Customers Order Date Criteria, one2many
 Customers Textual Criteria, one2many

Object: Customer Segmentation Textual Criteria (dm.customer.text_criteria)

operator:Operator, selection
 Segmentation, many2one
field_id:Customers Field, many2one
value:Value, char

Object: Customer Segmentation Numeric Criteria (dm.customer.numeric_criteria)

operator:Operator, selection
 Segmentation, many2one
field_id:Customers Field, many2one
value:Value, float

Object: Customer Segmentation Boolean Criteria (dm.customer.boolean_criteria)

operator:Operator, selection
 Segmentation, many2one
field_id:Customers Field, many2one
value:Value, selection

Object: Customer Segmentation Date Criteria (dm.customer.date_criteria)

operator:Operator, selection
 Segmentation, many2one
field_id:Customers Field, many2one
value:Date, date

Object: Customer Order Segmentation Textual Criteria (dm.customer.order.text_criteria)

operator:Operator, selection
 Segmentation, many2one
field_id:Customers Field, many2one
value:Value, char

Object: Customer Order Segmentation Numeric Criteria (dm.customer.order.numeric_criteria)

operator:Operator, selection
 Segmentation, many2one
field_id:Customers Field, many2one
value:Value, float

Object: Customer Order Segmentation Boolean Criteria (dm.customer.order.boolean_criteria)

operator:Operator, selection
 Segmentation, many2one
field_id:Customers Field, many2one
value:Value, selection

Object: Customer Order Segmentation Date Criteria (dm.customer.order.date_criteria)

operator:Operator, selection
 Segmentation, many2one
field_id:Customers Field, many2one
value:Date, date

Object: dm.offer.history (dm.offer.history)

date:Drop Date, date
offer_id:Offer, many2one, required
code:Code, char
campaign_id:Name, many2one
responsible_id:Responsible, many2one

Object: dm.event (dm.event)

address_id:Address, many2one
segment_id:Segment, many2one, required
campaign_id:Campaign, many2one
source:Source, selection, required
 Trigger Condition, many2one, required
step_id:Offer Step, many2one, required

Object: dm.ddf.plugin (dm.ddf.plugin)

model_id:Object, many2one
code:Code, char, required
name:DDF Plugin Name, char
store_value:Store Value, boolean
field_id:Customers Field, many2one
note:Description, text
argument_ids:Argument List, one2many
file_id:File Content, binary
file_fname:Filename, char
type:Type, selection, required

Object: Argument List (dm.plugin.argument)

name:Argument Name, char, required
stored_plugin:Value from plugin, boolean
value:Argument Value, text
note:Description, text, readonly
plugin_id:Plugin, many2one
 Plugin For Value, many2one

Object: dm.document.template (dm.document.template)

plugin_ids:Plugin, many2many
note:Description, text
name:Template Name, char

Object: dm.plugins.value (dm.plugins.value)

date:Date, date
plugin_id:Plugin, many2one
customer_id:Customer Name, many2one
value:Value, char

Object: dm.offer.document.category (dm.offer.document.category)

parent_id:Parent, many2one
complete_name:Category, char, readonly
name:Name, char, required

Object: dm.offer.document (dm.offer.document)

gender_id:Gender, many2one
code:Code, char, required
media_id:Media, char
name:Name, char, required
 Dynamic Plugins, many2many
lang_id:Language, many2one
content:Content, text
state:Status, selection, readonly
copywriter_id:Copywriter, many2one
editor:Editor, selection
has_attachment:Has Attachment, char, readonly
 Document Template, many2one
step_id:Offer Step, many2one
category_id:Category, many2one
note:Description, text
subject:Subject, char

Object: dm.mail_service (dm.mail_service)

unit_interval:Interval Unit, selection
media_id:Media, many2one
 Interval, integer
 Default Mail Service for Media, boolean
action_id:Server Action, many2one
partner_id:Partner, many2one
name:Name, char, readonly

Object: dm.campaign.mail_service (dm.campaign.mail_service)

offer_step_id:Offer Step, many2one
 Mail Service, many2one
campaign_id:Campaign, many2one