
This module is part of the OpenERP software, the leading Open Source enterprise management system. If you want to discover OpenERP, check our screencasts or download OpenERP directly.

Customer & Supplier Relationship Management (crm)

Name:Customer & Supplier Relationship Management
Official module:
Quality certified:


The generic OpenERP Customer Relationship Management
system enables a group of people to intelligently and efficiently manage
leads, opportunities, tasks, issues, requests, bugs, campaign, claims, etc.
It manages key tasks such as communication, identification, prioritization,
assignment, resolution and notification.

OpenERP ensures that all cases are successfully tracked by users, customers and
suppliers. It can automatically send reminders, escalate the request, trigger
specific methods and lots of others actions based on your enterprise own rules.

The greatest thing about this system is that users don't need to do anything
special. They can just send email to the request tracker. OpenERP will take
care of thanking them for their message, automatically routing it to the
appropriate staff, and making sure all future correspondence gets to the right

The CRM module has a email gateway for the synchronisation interface
between mails and OpenERP.


  • base


  • Business Opportunities


  • res.partner.events.form (tree)
  • crm.case.section.form (form)
  • crm.case.section.tree (tree)
  • crm.case.categ.form (form)
  • crm.case.categ.tree (tree)
  • crm.case.rule.form (form)
  • crm.case.rule.tree (tree)
  • crm.case.log.tree (tree)
  • crm.case.history.tree (tree)
  • crm.case.calendar (calendar)
  • crm.case.tree (tree)
  • crm.case.form (form)
  • crm.case.history.form (form)
  • crm.segmentation.line.tree (tree)
  • crm.segmentation.line.form (form)
  • crm.segmentation.form (form)
  • crm.segmentation.tree (tree)


Object: Case Section (crm.case.section)

code:Section Code, char
user_id:Responsible User, many2one
name:Case Section, char, required
sequence:Sequence, integer
child_ids:Child Sections, one2many
parent_id:Parent Section, many2one
reply_to:Reply-To, char
The email address put in the ‘Reply-To’ of all emails sent by OpenERP about cases in this section
allow_unlink:Allow Delete, boolean
Allows to delete non draft cases
active:Active, boolean

Object: Category of case (crm.case.categ)

name:Case Category Name, char, required
probability:Probability (%), float, required
section_id:Case Section, many2one

Object: Case Rule (crm.case.rule)

trg_categ_id:Category, many2one
trg_section_id:Section, many2one
sequence:Sequence, integer
 Remind Partner, boolean
Check this if you want the rule to send a reminder by email to the partner.
 Maximum Communication History, integer
 Delay type, selection
act_section_id:Set section to, many2one
trg_date_range:Delay after trigger date, integer
 Remind responsible, boolean
Check this if you want the rule to send a reminder by email to the user.
 Minimum Priority, selection
trg_date_type:Trigger Date, selection
act_method:Call Object Method, char
act_email_cc:Add watchers (Cc), char
These people will receive a copy of the future communication between partner and users by email
act_priority:Set priority to, selection
trg_state_to:Button Pressed, selection
 Mail to these emails, char
 Remind with attachment, boolean
Check this if you want that all documents attached to the case be attached to the reminder email sent.
trg_user_id:Responsible, many2one
act_state:Set state to, selection
 Mail to partner, boolean
 Maximum Priority, selection
active:Active, boolean
 Mail to watchers (Cc), boolean
name:Rule Name, char, required
trg_state_from:Case State, selection
act_user_id:Set responsible to, many2one
 Mail to responsible, boolean
trg_partner_id:Partner, many2one
 Partner Category, many2one
act_mail_body:Mail body, text

Object: Case (crm.case)

date_closed:Closed, datetime, readonly
history_line:Communication, one2many, readonly
create_date:Created, datetime, readonly
probability:Probability (%), float
canal_id:Channel, many2one
 Partner Contact, many2one
som:State of Mind, many2one
date:Date, datetime
 Planned Revenue, float
id:ID, integer, readonly
 Next Action, datetime, readonly
user_id:Responsible, many2one
partner_id:Partner, many2one
priority:Priority, selection
state:Status, selection, readonly
email_cc:Watchers Emails, char
ref:Reference, reference
log_ids:Logs History, one2many, readonly
description:Your action, text
 Last Action, datetime, readonly
planned_cost:Planned Costs, float
ref2:Reference 2, reference
section_id:Section, many2one, required
active:Active, boolean
categ_id:Category, many2one
name:Description, char, required
date_deadline:Deadline, datetime
email_last:Latest E-Mail, text, readonly
email_from:Partner Email, char

Object: Case Communication History (crm.case.log)

user_id:User Responsible, many2one, readonly
name:Action, char
canal_id:Channel, many2one
som:State of Mind, many2one
section_id:Section, many2one
case_id:Case, many2one, required
date:Date, datetime

Object: Case history (crm.case.history)

description:Description, text
canal_id:Channel, many2one
som:State of Mind, many2one
section_id:Section, many2one
date:Date, datetime
user_id:User Responsible, many2one, readonly
name:Action, char
log_id:Log, many2one
note:Description, text, readonly
case_id:Case, many2one, required
email:Email, char

Object: Partner Segmentation (crm.segmentation)

description:Description, text
 Max Interval, integer
The computation is made on all events that occurred during this interval, the past X periods.
partner_id:Max Partner ID processed, integer
 Default (0=None), float
Default state of mind for period preceding the ‘Max Interval’ computation. This is the starting state of mind by default if the partner has no event.
 Criteria, one2many, required
 Decrease (0>1), float
If the partner has not purchased (or bought) during a period, decrease the state of mind by this factor. It’s a multiplication
state:Execution Status, selection, readonly
 Use The Sales Purchase Rules, boolean
Check if you want to use this tab as part of the segmentation rule. If not checked, the criteria beneath will be ignored
exclusif:Exclusive, boolean
Check if the category is limited to partners that match the segmentation criterions. If checked, remove the category from partners that doesn’t match segmentation criterions
categ_id:Partner Category, many2one, required
The partner category that will be added to partners that match the segmentation criterions after computation.
som_interval:Days per Periode, integer
A period is the average number of days between two cycle of sale or purchase for this segmentation. It’s mainly used to detect if a partner has not purchased or bought for too long a time, so we suppose that their state of mind has changed because they probably bought goods from another supplier. Use this functionality for recurring businesses.
name:Name, char, required
The name of the segmentation.

Object: Segmentation line (crm.segmentation.line)

expr_operator:Operator, selection, required
expr_value:Value, float, required
expr_name:Control Variable, selection, required
 Segmentation, many2one
operator:Mandatory / Optional, selection, required
name:Rule Name, char, required